Sunday, March 18, 2012

Perilous Precipice, Get The Point

In looking at my body of work I asked myself what stands out to me?  What can I learn about myself as an artist by trying to stand back and take it in. What I notice is I love to stack and pile things.
I feel this need to balance items upon other items. 


I thought about that word for a while. It applies so well to both my artwork and life.  Another thing I know about my work is I love blocks of any kind and marbles. How can I use this observation to push my work further? I decided to explore how far I could push the idea of balance using blocks and marbles. 

The first exploration was with the painting Precarious which will be showing at Salon International 2012 in San Antonio, Texas in April. 

12" x 16"
oil on panel 

In Precarious I feel I captured tension and the feeling of movement all in the act of trying to balance. While it is still and not falling over, I still feel the urge to want to go and put my finger under the blocks so that they don't fall over.

Then came  Perilous Precipice  and  Get The Point

Perilous Precipice
12" x 24"
oil on panel

Get The Point
16" x 16" 
oil on panel

I look forward to exploring more ideas along this theme. Balance.

Perilous Precipice and Get The Point
will be showing  at 
Elliott Fouts Gallery
Sacramento, CA
Apr 7, 2012 - May 3, 2012

1 comment:

  1. The Stackers just don't grab me the way the Levitators do!
